21 Jumada II 1446 - 22 December 2024
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Eye of Riyadh
Fakieh Aquarium

Fakieh Aquarium

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Entertainment & Sports > Entertainment Centers

Fakieh Aquarium is the only aquarium for the public in Saudi Arabia and offers education and entertainment by presenting the wonders of the underwater environment of the Red Sea and marvels brought from other seas and oceans around the world.

With more than 200 species including Sharks, Groupies, String Rays, Napoleon Wrasse, Sea Horses, Murrays amongst others, the Fakieh Aquarium aim to continue expanding the sea world life with the introduction of the unique Sea Dragon later on this year.

Families can also enjoy the amazing Dolphin and Seal Lion show everyday, and later on this year, they will the the opportunity to swim with the Dolphins.

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Asia Sunday 2 August, 2020 7:33 am
Hi. Pls let us know the details of aquarium in riyadh

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