05 Jumada II 1446 - 6 December 2024
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Eye of Riyadh
Al Rajhi Takaful

Al Rajhi Takaful

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Business & Money > Insurance Companies

On behalf of myself and the Members of the Board of Directors, I am pleased to welcome you warmly to the corporate website of Al Rajhi Takaful. Since its inception in 2010, Takaful Al Rajhi has succeeded to make a difference in the Takaful industry thanks to the trust our valuable clients have put in us and to the dedication and motivation of our staff in addition to the re-Takaful (re-insurance) support we have from sound companies. We are committed to carry on with our mission to consolidate Takaful as an authentic Shari'ah compliant social concept that enhances the lives of our fellow citizens so that they live together in cooperation and solidarity. We also promise our esteemed customers that we'll keep on providing them with ultimate Shari'ah compliant Takaful solutions that help them live in peace knowing that they are insured with a leading trusted Takaful operator. We’ll also resume our growth by introducing innovative Takaful solutions that serve various sectors of the Saudi market. We look forward to foster long-term relationships with our clients. We thank God for His mercy and pray Him to give us strength and perseverance to meet all the ambitious expectations set by our customers and shareholders. All Praise to Allah, the Benefactor

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