Almagar Group 3EC and Enekio Signed a Contract for Technical Cooperation
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in Abu Dhabi at the World Future Energy Summit, a contract for Technical Cooperation was signed between Almagar Group Environmental Energy Engineering Consultancy 3EC and Enekio in order to develop and deploy Smart Energy Solutions for Cities and Buildings and Eco System. The document was endorsed by the signatures of Dr Ali Mohammed Almagar Al Shehri , General Manager of Almagar Group 3EC and Franck Lesueur the Chairman of the Board of Enekio. This signature emphasizes scientific and technological cooperation between Saudi Arabia and France Engineers.
The Doctor Ali Mohammed Almagar Al Shehri is world expert in the field of Energy Storage, fuel cell and the use of renewable energy for high efficiency street lighting. He has filed and owns several patents in that field and he’s senior engineer consultant in the renewable energy Arab world. Enekio designs, develops and deploys complete innovative solutions to process, to inform and remotely manage environmental energy problematic of existing industrials infrastructures and communities, this in a strategic and international context of the Smart City, Smart Grid, Smart Metering, Intelligent lighting and Big Data. Dr Ali Mohammed Alamagar Al Shehri and Franck Lesueur are happy to collaborate in order to put in place efficient applications to reduce carbon emission and to preserve the natural resources of Saudi Arabia and to diversify energy production.