1 / 1 Members of KACND organizing committee and supervisors of its various programs.
The Riyadh-based King Abdul Aziz Center for National Dialogue (KACND) disclosed Thursday that as many as 250,000 have benefited from its programs and activities during the past two years.
This includes training programs and various dialogues and activities that featured nearly 1,826 talk shows in different provinces of the Kingdom. The announcement came during KACND's 7th forum of its executive supervisors held at its headquarters here.
The forum reviewed the performance of KACND during which a yearly report was presented that contains statistics, programs and activities carried out by supervisors during the past two years. KACND Deputy Secretary General Fahd Al-Sultan underlined the importance of KACND organizing committees as an extension of steps to cooperate with supervisors to promote a culture of values and achieve the goals of the center in spreading the culture of dialogue.
He said that the organization should look for alternatives and sophisticated means of activating the role of supervisors in the dissemination of a culture of dialogue through partnership agreements with government and private agencies. He also noted the importance of voluntary work and its role in spreading a culture of dialogue among Saudis.
He said KACND attaches great importance to the participation of youth in volunteer work to promote a culture of dialogue and loyalty to their country. It also seeks to develop their intellectual, artistic, scientific and practical abilities. It also provides them the opportunity to participate in community activities and volunteer projects. Among activities carried out during the past two years were educational lectures and workshops with the participation of many government departments and major centers. Thousands of brochures, publications and newsletters designed for all segments of society have been distributed.