// ==============================================
// Timezone Cheat Clock
// ==============================================
// Version "Echo" (2008-01-24)
// http://www.6times9.com/javascript/cheatclock
// Copyright 2006 Richard Winskill
// ==============================================
function run_cheatclock(){
cheatclock(14, 00, 19, "", "ksatime", 3);
cheatdays=new Array("Sun","Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun");
function cheatclock(chthour, chtmin, chtsec, chtzone, chtid, chtday){
//Add 1 to the seconds
//When seconds reach 60, reset seconds to 0 and increase minutes by 1
if(chtsec>59){chtsec=0; chtmin=chtmin+1;}
//When minutes reach 60, reset minutes to 0 and increase hour by 1
if(chtmin>59){chtmin=0; chthour=chthour+1;}
//If hour is 0, make hour 24 (easier maths)
//When hour passes 24, reset hour to 1. And update day
//If hour is before noon or hour is midnight, it's AM; otherwise it's PM
if(chthour<12 || chthour==24){ap="am";} else {ap="pm";}
//Create "outhour" variable to display a 12-hour time but keep the maths right by remembering 24-hour "chthour" variable
//Add a leading zero to seconds a minutes if they are less than 10
//Handle Sunday=0
//Update the day at midnight
if(chthour>23 && chtmin==0 && chtsec==0 && chtday>0){chtday++;}
//If day is greater than 7, reset it to 1
//Convert day-number to day-name
if(chtday>0){outday=cheatdays[chtday]+" ";}else{outday="";}
//Output the time string to the HTML element with ID CHTID
//document.getElementById(chtid).innerHTML=outday+outhour+":"+minz+chtmin+":"+secz+chtsec+" "+ap+" "+chtzone;
document.getElementById(chtid).innerHTML=outhour+":"+minz+chtmin+":"+secz+chtsec+" "+chtzone;
//Tell the function to repeat every 1000ms (1 second)
setTimeout('cheatclock('+chthour+', '+chtmin+', '+chtsec+', "'+chtzone+'", "'+chtid+'", "'+chtday+'")',1000);
//Handle other window.onload's
var prevonload=window.onload;
if(typeof(prevonload)=="function"){window.onload=function(){prevonload();run_cheatclock(); }; }else{ window.onload=function(){run_cheatclock(); }; }