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Eye of Riyadh
Business & Money | Thursday 10 December, 2015 4:51 pm |

Deloitte works with Greater Amman Municipality to improve internal management practices to deliver better services to residents of Amman

This week marks the completion of the CityPerform pilot project, a joint initiative by the Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) and Deloitte Consulting that is striving to bring data to internal city management decisions to improve service delivery. Amman was chosen as the pilot city for this initiative.  Under CityPerform, a delegation of US advisers from Deloitte undertook a 9-month project in cooperation GAM officials to improve service delivery.


“Decisions to manage services can sometimes be made without clear goals and the necessary data to inform our work,” H.E Mayor Akel Biltaji noted. He continued: “Our collaboration with Deloitte has resulted in a standard, repeatable process based on international best practices.” 


CityPerform used data and information collected on a regular basis to monitor progress and drive decisions in achieving desired goals in solid waste management operations. The project has been loosely based on the world-renowned municipal management innovation that was popularized in the city of Baltimore in the United States called “CitiStat”, which brings transparency to decision-making through periodic and regular accountability sessions.


Deloitte worked in close coordination with the Environment Directorate and Districts of GAM, the Mayor’s office, and a variety of stakeholders -- both internal and external to the Municipality -- to identify challenges and opportunities, set goals, and develop a customized service delivery improvement plan. Deloitte conducted a sector analysis, developed a performance management framework with clear indicators and targets, provided training on accountability processes, and data analysis and visualization support. Staff capacity-building resulted in the formation of the “AmmanStat” team, a performance improvement team focused on sustainment and regular coordination of this data-driven process.


“Deloitte is extremely pleased to have such a committed partner in H.E. Mayor Biltaji and his entire GAM management team,” remarked Kate Thompson, Deloitte Principal in charge of the project.  “This project could not have achieved its ambitious objectives had it not been for the outstanding cooperation we have enjoyed with the GAM,” she added. 


To date, the pilot project resulted in a variety of accomplishments. A comprehensive analysis of current operations was developed, followed by identification of sector priorities and goals for improvement. This information was then used to measure performance with collection of field data. Data was then analyzed and a dashboard was developed to illustrate the data. The GAM undertook several interdepartmental meetings to focus efforts on how to efficiently use resources to provide quality services. The pilot project laid the foundation for a continuous process of measuring performance and making critical adjustments to solid waste management operations over time.


As the pilot concludes, H.E. Mayor Biltaji thanked Deloitte on the efforts undertaken in the Middle East and choosing Amman to help the City improve services provided to citizens. “Greater Amman Municipality is seeking, through initiatives like CityPerform, and other programs, to be a clean city, that is an accurate reflection of its inhabitants,” the H.E. Mayor Biltaji noted. He added, “Through this model, the City hopes to realize results in improved and more efficient solid waste services, and apply the same model to other sectors gradually, for the sake of continued development and improvement of services provided to citizens.” 

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